Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School/First new blog post in two years

Today is my first blog post since the death of my Dad in 2009. I thought the first day of school for my kids was a great time to start my entries. The theme for this years post is "The Good Life" I feel like the last two years flew by and I didn't fully get to enjoy all those moments that had occurred. But I'm back and ready to look for the "good" in each day that I have here with my three little bears and my hunky Papa, so enjoy the ride...
Prezley's first day of Kindergarten
She had been so excited for this day and is soooo ready for school. Prezleys favorite things to do at this age(5) would first be Dancing, second doing hair, every morning she does her own hair and it actually look really cute. Third gymnastic/bending/flipping moves. This girl is part monkey, and extremely flexible. One thing she does all the time is flips on and off my leather couches, drives me crazy but I love watching her explore it and test her limits.

I love this Boy!!!
I mean really...look at that face. This kid melts my heart everyday. He is so sweet yet such a handful. His latest and greatest at this time(age 2) would be Firefighters/Firetrucks, the word Stupid ahhhhhh I hate it more that anything!!! He loves any type of animal. He loves going to the zoo and is obsessed with Lagoons train ride, lets just say we bought a season pass for the train and the train only!

Halle's first day of 3rd grade
Could I really be any luckier!!! Halle has just gotten to be so big overnight. I swear she turned eight and bam this little mother developed. She is my biggest helper. She is such a nurturer and caretaker. Always watching over and worrying about her baby sis and bro. Halles favorite things would be Dance, she is so fun to watch, Art, I love it when I hear her tell people she is an artist like her Dad, and clothes. Its fun to see her transition from wanting toys to choosing clothes. We are going to have way to much fun shopping especially when we fit into each others clothes. Oh wait I am hoping to fit in her clothes:) ha
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